In 2015, Jon Staff and I founded Getaway, a startup that designs tiny cabins, places them in the woods, and rents them out by the night to folks looking to disconnect and recharge.

Here was our first Getaway house, The Ovida, outside Boston:
Here’s a round-up of press coverage from our launch. And here’s Jon and I on CBS This Morning:
In February 2017, Jon and I pitched Getaway on Shark Tank. Here are rundowns in the Falls Church News-Press, Business Insider, and Heavy.

In January 2019, Jon and I wrote a book on the spirit behind Getaway: How to Get Away: Finding Balance in Our Overworked, Overcrowded, Always-On World. Here’s the summary:
In How to Get Away, Jon Staff and Pete Davis consider our troubled relationship with technology, urbanization, and work. When and why have we become so dependent on our cell phones? How do green spaces—and the lack of them—affect our minds, bodies, and relationships? Why is it so hard for us to set aside our work and take a real vacation? Blending cultural history with contemporary research and insights from scholars and trend-watchers, Staff and Davis present a compelling case for restoring balance between technology and disconnection, city and nature, and work and leisure. Along the way, the authors draw on their own experience, the lives of pioneers and innovators like landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted and conservationist Margaret Murie, lifestyle trends like homesteading and hygge, and the wisdom of philosophers, poets, and scientists ranging from Aristotle to Oliver Sacks. How to Get Away offers a nuanced perspective on our past, a call to action for our present, and a hopeful vision for a more balanced future.
You can book a Getaway at and follow along with Getaway at Getaway’s instagram.